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  • Natalie Raynor

The BIG 50

Every year we give our boys a choice of what they can have for their birthday (as long as we can afford it): a present, a party, or a night with our family in a hotel. This year Caleb chose a hotel. He was so excited as he spent days with his mom looking online at the different choices. Having a hotel that has a pool is a big deal, so that was a must. But not only did he choose a hotel with a pool, but this hotel had two peacocks that would roam around the hotel grounds freely. We spent most of the time in that pool! Thank you, Caleb, for choosing to spend a 24-hr. get away with your family. We all enjoyed it and seeing you turn 12 years old!

This birthday for Len was special as he turned 50. Natalie had asked the church ahead of time to all write a personal note to Len about how the Lord has used him to impact their life. His birthday this year landed on a Sunday. The service was fully packed. At the end of service, Natalie carried in a huge birthday cake that she made as everyone sang “Happy Birthday.” We presented a golden booklet with everyone’s notes in it. Afterward, we had cochinita tacos for everyone! The whole church stayed for lunch and cake to celebrate their pastor’s special day.

Besides birthdays, no big events occurred as we just had our big outreach of VBS last month. But we continue to see the fruit from VBS even from a year ago. There is one family that started to come after the VBS in 2022. They wouldn’t come every week, but enough that we got to know them. Well, in these past 4-6 months, they have really started to get involved. The kids just love coming to church on Sundays and the parents are starting to serve. In fact, we finally have a drummer! The dad joined the worship team and is now playing Natalie’s box drum once a month for the Sunday service. Now we are just praying for a drum set!

On an honest note, these past few months have financially been challenging for us. Not only did our car break down, but also Len’s truck. And not only did we have to have them each repaired at the mechanics once, but twice after both breaking down due to other issues – four different repairs that were each very costly in the matter of four months. If anyone feels led to help financially, please contact us. We know our Lord has our backs and we trust Him.

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