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Natalie Raynor

VBS is only 2 weeks away!  (October 17-19.) We have 30 volunteers who have committed to helping out!  Some of them for the first time are taking a leadership role.  We are so proud of them.  Please keep this outreach in your prayers.  We don't know how many to expect, but we are praying for many kids to come and hear the good news about Jesus!  Please keep the weather in your prayers as any sight of rain keeps people from going out.  We just had one of our newer air-conditioning minisplits go down and so now we are praying for a way (financially) to be able to replace it in time before VBS as it is in one of the main rooms we will be using for VBS.  We continue to prepare every last detail, hand out every flyer, stock up on every last supply that is needed.  Here is the promo that we have been sharing on social media to get the news out.

One Saturday we had some from the church meet and go walking around the surrounding neighborhood of the church.  We went door to door inviting families to come on Sunday telling them about the free lunch for kids 9 years old and younger.  We also will be sharing that with all of the families whose kids will come to VBS.  A free lunch for a child is just one small way we want to love on the community here and hope that they would come to church to know the love of Christ.


We officially have two teenagers.  This month Caleb turned 13.  Although it feels like for a while now that we have been living with two teenagers in this house, it is now official.  Caleb will be in high school next year and Noah will be in college.  How time has gone by.  We pray that these years here are instrumental in the way the Lord is shaping them and who they will become as young men.

On September 15, we celebrated at the church Mexico's Independence Day.  Practically the entire church came out as each family brought a homemade dish of food to share and we all ate together.  It was a great time of fellowship and it was good seeing some of the newer families come out and enjoy this holiday with their church family.

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