A few days before one of our Sunday services, the city gave everyone a notice that we would have no electricity from 5am-1pm on Sunday. The Lord blessed us with a nice cold front and we were able to set up our church service outside using our battery-powered PA system. The children’s class also met outside as they all sat around their table listening to the Bible story and did their craft. The youth had enough natural light to meet in the cafe as they usually do. Although it was a bit fun doing something different, we are grateful to now have our electricity back and look forward to meeting in the sanctuary next week!
A few more people have stepped up to start volunteering this month. Caleb, being one of those, will join the youth worship team this month. This group of youth leads worship through dance and movements for the 5-9 year olds on Sundays. After Caleb’s experience with leading a couple worship songs when were were back on furlough for children’s church, it seems that the Lord has put this in his heart to do. He is really excited about it! We also have had a few new people come to the church; one of them has been consistently coming back week after week! It is so difficult for people in our city to come into a new church. It is always nice to see new faces.