We have been praying and seeking the Lord for 2 new ministries that we have had on our hearts for a while. One of the hardest things for me to do is not to overshare when God puts something on my heart, because there have been those times where He has said WAIT and I shared too early and then had to share again to everyone that God said wait… so, I this time have been successful in keeping both of these new ministries under wraps, but God is moving and so are we!
The first ministry is our feed-the-kids program. Times are tough and there are both seasons of plenty and scarce and I want our church to be a place where people want to come to in all seasons of their life. I want Calvary Motul to be known as a place that helps. So, with that said, we are going to offer kids under 8 to have a free lunch after church service on Sundays. We want to start with our church kids first, fine-tune our systems, and then use this as a neighborhood outreach and offer this to 20 children that live close to the church... then 50, then pray and we will see what happens. This has been so much on my heart because there is something special that happens when you break bread with someone. There is something special when you meet the most basic of needs and share a meal in a time of need. It builds a relationship and when done correctly, you point to our Savior and let them know it's not us nor this church, it’s the body of Christ, it's all of us because of Jesus. People from the body - our church, your church, you and me all chipping in to help to be able to say, "Bless this meal in the name of Jesus Christ - amen.”
Our second new ministry is a bit more complex with its setup and delivery because we will need to cross many barriers with church construction, culture, stigmas, and religions to make this happen. But, I believe in God when He says - He will make a way.
We want to have a Gala Night for special needs people in Motul; a night where we open our doors to every faith, every belief, to anyone who has a special need in their life. To do this is going to be difficult, as being a Christian church is a barrier to pass for many because they will be reluctant to attend thinking the worst of us, that we are looking to convert them the moment they pass the threshold of the doors. Also, culturally, special needs people are shunned and many times hidden away because many “churches” say that they are that way because of hidden sin. In our city, they are looked upon as the least of these.
So many families hide away because of the burdens they carry and how painful it becomes to hear the same harsh comments over and over. We want to break that cycle. We want to create something special - a night that they and their families are loved and cared for. Our desire is to share the love that Jesus has for them and for them to know how special they are to Him! And then, we pray and hope, because of the peace and joy that they found in that night, they would seek after and come back to our church that loves them, accepts them, welcomes them, and they would become a part our Calvary Motul family.
There are many changes that need to happen to our church to make it handicap accessible as no building codes exist to make places here accessible. So, from front to back we need to make our property accessible - by faith we are undertaking and starting the construction of the handicap accessible bathrooms. When we get these things done, then comes the fun part of the planning and getting the word out about the Gala night. We want to go all out, from the moment they step in the front door to the moment they leave - to be celebrated, loved and cared for. The reality is - an event like this is expensive. We ask you to pray, if you could be involved in some way to help make this a special night. I feel in my heart this could impact our entire city with the love of Jesus Christ. We have an opportunity to be a part of something special. I simply ask you to pray for this Gala night and the feed-the-kids program and see if God would have you be a part in some way. God bless you and I will be praying along with you.
If you would like to donate, here are ways you can give:
*Please put a note that it is for "the least of these"
If you are unable to send money electronically, you can make
a check out to "The Uproot Collective" and mail it out to:
The Uproot Collective
7875 NW 57th St # 25375
Tamarac, FL 33351
Write Calvary Motul's account number (NA00071023) in the memo field.
Please do not write our name on the check.
We were blessed to share about these upcoming ministries with so many of you personally on our furlough. Our family had a blessed time as we were given the opportunity to share at churches, talk and eat some delicious food together with many of you individually, and have great times of fun and fellowship. Our family also had the chance to have a few days off together and experience some fun activities. We enjoyed our time with you; thank you for listening, blessing and loving us. We know we are not alone and are grateful that you are part of the ministry here with us in Motul.