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Len Raynor


Last summer we had a VBS at Calvary Motul. For this outreach, there was an invite that went out across the entire city of Motul. During this week we meet many new families, and we are extremely blessed when a family returns for Sunday service. Nidia, her 2 kids, and her mom is one of our new families. They returned the first Sunday and have been returning ever since. Nidia got involved serving right away helping in our café ministry, and overall, her family is a great fit into our church.

But recently we started to notice their attendance and serving was starting to wavier a little. We found out the reason was that Nidia wasn’t really feeling good. Natalie and I reached out and asked if we could go visit them and pray for her.

During that time, we learned she wasn’t just sick, but she was having problems with her heart. This seemed rare as Nidia is a young woman with two young children. As we continued our conversation, we learned she has had problems with her heart from birth. And after blacking out a few times they started seeing a cardiologist for extensive testing. As we visited her in her home, she had wires all over her body and was currently receiving a 36-hour stress test and monitoring of her heart. The doctors were talking about a difficult surgery would be needed.

Well, God is good and prayer is powerful. We gathered the entire family together, Nidia’s mom, dad, son and daughter along with Natalie and i. As we anointed her with oil, we prayed for healing. We also asked the church to join us in prayer, knowing full well Jesus could heal her.

The following Saturday night I saw her serving in the church café. I asked her if she was ok to be here. How she felt. She said she felt great and the cardiologist told her that heart tested strong. She even went on to say that the doctor said her heart looked healthy; he even said it looks like she have never had a problem with her heart at all….

I looked at her with wide eyes, and said - all glory to God. He saw it fit to heal this young mother of 2. We all witnessed a miracle. We asked her if she could share with the church, I mean, something this incredible needs to be shared. When Nidia came to share with the church, her mother had documents in hand of prior tests showing the poor condition of her heart and blood transfusions she has had in the past. And now she stood in front of the entire church sharing this miracle. All rejoiced and gave glory to God for this healing. And all of us have been blessed through witnessing this miracle.

Our women’s minisry has officially started. In the past, we have had women’s events, but this month we had our first monthly Bible study. Being that it was the first study, we started with the first woman of the Bible – Eve. Each woman was given a notebook to not only take notes at the women’s nights, but also at home during the month when they study on their own from the verses they are given. At the end we closed with a time of worship and then some fellowship. We had about 20 women come out. We even had someone bring a friend who was Catholic! This is a very difficult thing for a Catholic to walk into a Christian church. We pray she will come back and that she will come to know Jesus personally!

Our free music classes will be begin in April. Nelson and Natalie have completed the preparation and the sign ups have now been closed. We currently have four people wanting to learn how to play the keyboard, five people for the guitar, and one for the cajón. Our heart is raise up future worship leaders to be used in the church.

We are so excited for our Easter celebration service. We have rented a facility that has a pool and sufficient tables and chairs for everyone to sit at. Everyone brings a food dish to share. After a time of worship and Bible study, we will have a baptism. Please keep in your prayers for those that have made the decision to be baptized. This is a big decision for them!

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